Saturday 27 June 2015

split personality disorder of a very different order is named Being Parent.

We live our life  at a very normal pace when single.  It changes to normal after getting married and eventually abnormal after having kids. Folks! its kids not a single kid. Life does not give you a real upside down feeling till you have two. It's like one goalkeeper serving at both the goalpost and rest of the players being one team hitting you hard at both ends nonstop, keeping you on toes , keeping u restless and breathless day and night. All the parents having a single child must be thinking that life with two kids must be much easier as they presume that two or or more than two kids can play together... could be busy together and parents will get their piece of mind back. But hold on , they will fight together too leaving you clueless about the origin of clash and how to put the catfight to an end. Ask those who are struggling with the same situation. you will dare to plan another. Although personally i always wanted a big family. I just wanted to see every chair of my dining area occupied atleast at dinners or breakfast. It sounds so good. But just after having my second angel; now i prefer to call her my ultimate destructor, i realized the power of naughtiness inside these little creatures crawling at the most forbidden places all the time. It seems like God has loaded their soul with amount of enery that is never exhaustible. Nobody could ever guess , that when and how and how many times these sweet little demons will blew your mind off in a day. Moreover you have to deal with your two kids simultaneously but still so differently that your moods keep swinging between extra polite and loving to extra harsh and rude every minute when they are around.
Science has proved that left and right side of our brain work differently. Thinking, analysing, and taking action are assigned to different parts of brain. Oh my God!Even science fails while dealing with those apple of our eyes cum extra sodium in our blood, keeping the pressure high most of the times. Yo will have no idea when and why  thinking part of your brain starts analysing, the later start taking actions and former takes over the thinking job. All mugged up. And as a result , the kind of reaction generally seen in humans called parents is that split personality disorder of a different order. That sounds funny but every parent out there could feel the sweet plight behind being parent. This is how life appears to us as soon as we have one or two kids but actually , this plight is the flight to the destination called pure bliss and happiness. Those little hands ready to crush everything around your house are the preciousest jewels around your neck. Those nonstop talks from that sweet little mouth are no less than ringing bells at a holy place. That naughty spark in their eyes could beat the twinkling of thousand stars.
Kids are presented to us like a bunch of fragrant, everfresh floral buds from almighty. We are the holding vace with water full of love, nutrients full of care and strong enough to protect them till they learn to be safe. And it is our duty to refill our heart with love, care and affection regularly to see them blooming, keem them at full bloom till we are old enough to get broken. Yes we start suffering from split personality disorder of that different order after having kids beacuse they help us to discover those hidden area of our personality which were never explored. Innocence of your kids can turn those  switches off in your personality  named selfishness, self centred, egoistic, harshness, jealousy , and so on. You start feeling a transformation inside you that may initially benefits your kids only but ultemately it will help you to become a better human being.
More concerened, more resposible, more loving and more contented. To sum up : a better u . We thought we are trying hard to shape them up but just look at them. There mere existance in your life transformed you from deep inside effortlessly. So be thankful if you are a good parent because that automatically certifies that you are a genuine soul existing on earth for a good reason.
Happy parentship.
Easy parenting

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