Thursday 25 June 2015

How being parents simply qualifies one for being patient.

It's good to be back to desk guys. The rains have been pouring in heavily since yesterday and so have been your views . They both so refreshing. So here we go to discuss another essential of parenting, and that is PATIENCE. Oxford dictionary describes the word patiens as-  the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. So lets concentrate on the first word- CAPACITY . Everyone of you reading here are capable of understnding this word, i hope so. Jokes apart, some of you will be capable of cooking delicious food, some will be capable of creating good music, poetry and so on. But again i would like to ask - did u inherit it. Ofcource not. Even if you are son or daughter of a renowned musician, you are not born with the understanding of musical knots. You start learning the skill day by day as you have that atmosphere around you. You keep practicing and one day you become just the perfect. Although peaple credit your acheivement to your lineage and will say it runs in your blood. But if they could look closely, its more about your will to learn, time devotion and consistent practice, which lead u there. Ofcource guidance matters but that acts as just a push. Winners are those who run fastest. 
So back to word in discussion. When a couple is blessed with a child, both of them start applying there long gethered knowledge to groom their kid as soon as the little mosaic creature start walking or saying those difficult to translate words.we start behaving like the ultimate preachers. Yes, you teach everything best to your kid but have you forgot one important thing.It's time for you to learn also. And it's your child itself who will teach you how to be a good want your child to be best, he or she also deserves to be nurtured by best parents. So the very first and most important lesson you could learn from your child is patiens. It is not easy for a mother to carry a foetus in her womb for so long.But is it easy for a living being to be in a small dark water-filled muscular bag in 24×7 floating condition. Imagine it, it is not easy. Ur little bundle of joy showed great patiens more than you during that gestation phase. So ofcource he or she is eligible to teach you how to be more patient while dealing with fuss created by apple of your eyes. So next time when you loose your senses over your kid's endless annoying tantrum, just before you leap towards a hasty reaction, say to yourself- STOP .
Take a deep long breath. Hold your child's small little palms , look at his/her eyes in a calm and composed manner and just say I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING . Think about your adorable child's inborn qualities. Look at those damn beautiful, deep , naughty but beautiful eyes which can look down to your soul. Beleive me it were your parents who could understand you through your heart , soul and mind and it will be your  kids who are blessed with this power to feel the way you feel.Husbands and wives are though soulmates but you agree or not physically you are not born out of them or given birth to them. A life partner can part ways anytime during life's tough journey but your kids will never if they are brought well. 
Dolls for your Doll

So as you will realise in a few seconds after looking into your ward's eyes that you were shouting uselessly. He or she is 
growing normally. This is how normal kids behave. Nothing insane about it. They will not spill the food around after few years when they will learn to eat properly, they will not pee on you when they will learn to use the washroom. They will not break your favourite vace when they will learn to decorate the house, they will not cry endlessly without reason if they are paid attention continuously. They will not make your life hell , as we generally vomit these harsh words when extremely angry, when one day they will leave your house for higher studies or a job or for living in with someone you hate to see. Before this happens , think about it. Live the moment happily. These will not come again. Sometimes our kids make us angry, at the same time they can teach us to have patiens. Say to them, - whatever mess you have done kids, let us do it together. Go for it buddy. Those stress -releiving hormones will be gushed down to your blood making you more than happier. When we start enjoying parentship, patiens are evantually developed. Giggle with your kids, sing with them those beautiful rhymes, dance with them at your own silly compositions. Dat' s all about parentship. Keep teaching your child-keep learning from them. It's all joy and at the end it's the last thing that matters. C you again.Till then happy parentship.