Sunday 28 June 2015

How to say "No" to "No".

Every parent finds the easiest form of descipline is  saying 'no' to their child on their off the track demands. But as i have read about the advices from few parenting experts that there are better ways to deny than saying 'No' . Because it can lead to rebellion behaviour of your child in future. 
Saying 'No' is considered as kind of rude behaviour which may desensitize a child to its meaning. So it would be better to use the word for life threatenting situations created by your child. 
Insted use short polite phrases everytime they demand something you want to deny. I keep telling my kids that eating too much chocolates and candies will cause tooth decay followed by severe pain and ultemately tooth extraction ;a thousand times in a week. If they are stubborn , so am I. Just don't feel too tired to say it again and again. It really works. Atleast can provide little bit of more peace. 
Try to convince your child for a helthier option while eating. Engage them in kitchen with you . Take their little help. Just distract them from what they originally wanted. And never make a promice for tomorrow. Children tend to retain the thing in their mind and will keep reminding you of your promice unless and untill their wish is fullfilled. So stop making future promices for junkfood or anthing that is not good for your child. Insted surprise them some day by getting their wish fullfilled. 
So the process involved here is -
 Be Calm. 
Be Warm. 
Be Firm. 
Use an explanatory approach when your child throughs tantrums. And if your tot follows what you say, acknowledge them with your good behaviour with a compliment or a little reward . 
Most kids hate to be told what to do.
 You must be thinking that nobody is more stubborn than your once. Keep telling your kids about the awereness of feelings of all living beings around to develop empathy at an very early age.
I would like to mention a recent incidence which left me awestruck . During a family get- together , i was too busy at the kitchen. My sister's 3 yrs old daughter came to me and asked if i needed help. I said, " thanks dear. But i will manage." But she said again, " aunt,  my mom says that we should help others always, it makes them happy and it's good" .
She behaved like a real angel so innocently. Credits goes to her parents who really made efforts to develop that helping attitude in her right from the beginning.
So next time when it's time to say NO, just don't say it. Insted try to distract your child from that vary thought by starting a topic of humour . Tickle them, laugh with them and replace the thought in their mind meanwhile.
So keep yourself composed next time and behave like a Saint. You are a parent not a dictator.First know your limits then try to put limits on your child.



  1. Do u think such things are possible in joint families where children have options.agar aap nahi dilaoge to daadu se le lunga n grand parents full fill all their demands.

  2. Yep right sunena. Ut u see, m also in a joint setup but slowly i hav taken all d control in my hand as far as raising my kids z concerned. Some people felt bad but i just can't let my kids grow like highly pampered n stubbborn kids.

  3. Yep right sunena. Ut u see, m also in a joint setup but slowly i hav taken all d control in my hand as far as raising my kids z concerned. Some people felt bad but i just can't let my kids grow like highly pampered n stubbborn kids.
