Wednesday 24 June 2015

parenting is not just raising kids,its nurturing kids.

Parenting as everyone perceives is not just raising kids, it is about nurturing and transforming a part of you into a human being better than you. It is the almighty who creates and crafts all living beings but those are surely the parents who help the muscle-bone creature to start its journey to become perfect human. I remember my childhood days,and those were really the days. My existance on this earth was like a pitcher full of questions. And my parents were the epitome of wisdom to answer all my silly to meaningful queries. I think being a good parent  has not much to do with wisdom. Afterall everybody has been blessed with a little bit of common sence and traces of wisdom on this earth. The degree to measure how gud as a parent we are, is the amount of patience one possess. And beleive me its not a hereditary thing. So dont blame your genes next time when you get irritated at your ward's silly questions. Patience is a quality which could be developed although slowly but definitely. Even if anybody's parents were not that patient towards them, it doesn't mean to rewrite the history for your kids. I personally feel that when a child is born, at the same time its the fresh start  for parents too.Afterall this designation of being parents changes our existance altogether. Yes, its ur rebirth. So feel rejuvenated as this new begining is giving you an opportunity to live your childhood again. Behave like a kid with your kids, behave like teens when they are young and be there friend when they become eligible for drinking alcohol. Dat was on a fun quotient ,hope nobody minds it. And you see, you lived your lost years again. May be you become best of friends . And that would be really amazing. The term generation gap will never widen the distance between you and your kids if u reincarnate with part of your soul, part of your heart, part of your love for your life partner. 
Keep reading  folks. Will open my heart and ofcource mind to write more on parenting. I am sure, this blog of mine will be  quite helpful to you in dealing with your kids in a more friendly manner.. Dats why i call this art of nurturing your kids not just parenting, its Parentship.C u soon. Till then Happy Parentship.


  1. Very well written n explained ...amazing...
    NowThe only thng comes in my mind is how to increase yr patience level m very impatient
