Friday 10 July 2015


Readers… it was a long wait for you as well for me to be connected again. Back to work after holidays, and my busy schedule is driving me crazy. Anyhow, in my previous post, I discussed about the process of saying NO to NO while dealing with your toddlers. And those tricks really work as I have applied them personally to my younger one whom I lovingly call my little monster.
But, what about our grown-up prince or princess? They are no less at throwing tantrums. Although, distraction is still a very reliable and trusted method to divert their attention, but not for long. As soon as the child recovers from the more alluring distraction saga, he or she begins the melodrama again. And obviously the technique applied at the first instance will be of no use next time. So eventually parents are forced to fulfill their ward’s demands deliberately.
But this kind of behavior is not acceptable continuously, so “HOW TO HANDLE YOUR GROWN-UP’S TANTRUMS?” 

Every parent really wants to do something about that and yes!!!  something could be done about it surely. I am suggesting here a 5-way solution which I feel can really work if applied with patients. 
1. Approach as a friend -Parents must develop a positive outlook towards their child’s behavior before trying to change or improve their behavior. They should again deny saying NO at first instance. Grown-ups are more sensible as well reactive towards denial. It makes them a true rebel with passing time. So parents should behave in a more understanding and friendly manner at such situations. Even if, you, as parent, feeling like shouting at your child for the demand made, do not overreact.  Sit back and talk like a friend. Develop a bond not the boundaries and then,  proceed.
2.  2. Discuss your childhood stories- Not on daily basis but occasionally tell your kids about your childhood experiences. Let them know it not as cozy and comfortable for you as it is for them today. Let them know how you struggled through the evens and odds of life. They should know that your achievements were not presented to you in a silver platter. You worked really hard to make your kid’s life more comfortable and easy.
3.Differentiate between Luxury & Necessity- your child must understand the difference between luxury and necessity from the very beginning. Although every parent tries to give their children the best of everything and make their life a bed of roses for sure. But have you ever told them that so many people can’t even afford one meal a   day. They should learn that Luxury can wait, Necessity should be fulfilled first.
2.  4. Bond of love fills the gap, Boundaries widens it-
 your children may sometimes become so rude towards you if their demands are not fulfilled. But remember they always long for their parents love and affection. So it’s never too late to show your affection. A deep and tight hug, a heartfelt loving glare, few soothing words can really make a difference. Love them to your full capacity till they start loving someone stranger. Let them know how much they mean to you and they are loved more than they know. Although love is not something to be showed off, but sometimes it need to be expressed via words and gestures.

5.You achieve and you will earn-I am applying this particular method to encourage my child to perform better at studies, to finish her food on time, to watch less of television, to develop a new good habit and everything that may help her to be a good child. Every time she performs the tasks assigned to her in the above-said manner , she is rewarded. I have got her a new piggy bank which contains all the money that she earns. I sometimes give her a little sum of money when she gets an excellent at her school test, when she finishes the particular vegetable which she hates to eat, when she helps me to clean-up her messy room and everything that makes me happy. Yes, she is earning and working hard for it and developing the habit of saving. I know, slowly,  although not completely she will learn how to value ones hard earned money. That will surely help her to become a more down to earth human being. So let them earn for every good deed they do.